decompress the file

Uncompress data file with DeflateStream Ask Question up vote 4 down vote favorite 1 I'm having trouble reading a compressed (deflated) data file using C# .NET DeflateStream(..., CompressionMode.Decompress). The file was written earlier using ...

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WinZip是一套非常受歡迎的全球公用壓縮檔案軟體,不論是功能的完整性、實用性和方便性,都受到使用者相當的肯定。 它提供了快速的壓縮/解壓縮,可有效的簡省儲存功間,另外也有AES加密碼功能,對於數位照片和圖形檔案的壓縮比,最大可到25%,而且不會對品質造成任何影響,。 支援多種壓縮格式檔案,包括Zip, Zipx...

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  • Uncompress data file with DeflateStream Ask Question up vote 4 down vote favorite 1 I'...
    c# - Uncompress data file with DeflateStream - Stack ...
  • Zipped (compressed) files take up less storage space and can be transferred to other compu...
    Compress and uncompress files (zip files) - Microsoft Support
  • In Windows, you work with zipped files and folders in the same way that you work with unco...
    Compress and uncompress files (zip files) - Windows Help
  • Compressing and Decompressing Folders and Files Files and folders on an NTFS volume are ei...
    Compressing and Decompressing Folders and Files
  • For KCOmobile.jar, do I need to decompress the file? There are many items in it. I don&#39...
    decompress - Yahoo奇摩字典 搜尋結果
  • Before you configure the Decompress File activity, you need to determine the following: Th...
    Decompress File
  • 2016年5月13日 - The Decompress File activity decompresses the files contained in a zip archi...
    Decompress File - TechNet - Microsoft
  • 共發現 6 筆關於 [decompress] 的資料 (解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) 來源(1): pydict data [pydict] decompress (vt.)...
    decompress 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典
  • The NTFS file system volumes support file compression on an individual file basis. The fil...
    File Compression and Decompression (Windows)
  • Our files are compressed using WinZip and have the .zip file suffix. Users who download co...
    How do I decompress the files I download from your site? - icpsr
  • How do I decompress the files I download from your site?? Our files are compressed using W...
    How do I decompress the files I download from your site??
  • A tutorial on how to decompress .rar and .zip files. Thanks hope this helps!!
    How to Decompress files - YouTube
  • 2017年10月17日 - Steps on how to extract, decompress, or uncompress a compressed computer fi...
    How to extract or uncompress a compressed file - Computer Hope
  • In Windows, you can compress (zip) and decompress (unzip) files without installing any thi...
    In Windows, how do I compress or decompress files?
  • If you are using a PC, you will need two programs (pkunzip & in order to...
    Uncompress gz and Z files - National Center for ...
  • 2009年6月25日 - Decompressing means you have to use an archiver to extract the file because ...
    what does it mean to decompress the file? | Yahoo Answers
  • Most people have downloaded large files, such as music or video, from the Internet. Becaus...
    What Is File Compression & Decompression? |